FBW Summit 2023

The first annual Family Business Week opened the key themes of family business. It was visited by hundreds of participants from Czech family companies and it became the event of the year.

What was the FBW Summit 2023 like?

The three regional meetings and the FBW Summit attracted 440 family business owners, their family members and other guests. The event, which in terms of format and scope was one of the largest events for family companies in the Czech Republic, was held from 5 to 9 June 2023 under the auspices of the Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela and the Economic Committee of the PSP of the Czech Republic. All regional meetings were also attended by the governors for the given region. The event also enjoyed a lot of media interest, bringing the importance and issues of family businesses closer to the public.

Participant Testimonials

“I dare say that there is no better event in the Czech Republic that can bring closer the challenges and benefits of family business.
Congratulations on such an inspiring and superbly managed conference! “

Alexandra Kala, co-owner of the family holding PROFIMED

“Very inspiring, I'm very happy about it.
Family companies are the future of the Czech economy and society. It was live at the Summit and it was amazing. “

Constantin Kinský, benefactor and administrator of the family estate

“Family Business Week was a very successful and brilliantly organized event that brought together owners and managers of dozens of family companies from all over the Czech Republic in one place. This created a unique space for valuable exchange of experiences and inspiration - all in a casual and very welcoming environment. “

Vaclav Kadlec, CEO, Albatros Media a.s.

“We thank the organizers for creating this unique platform to share experiences and inspire each other. At the same time, the event is a great opportunity for making new contacts and friendships. This year's Family Business Week was organized very professionally, congratulations to the organizers! “

Aleš Stýblo, CEO & Partner, LASVIT s.r.o.

“Thank you very much for the great organization to the entire team of organizers and to all the speakers who passed on their experience.
The whole conference was not only an experience, but also an inspiration in many ways, and I take a lot of inspiration from it.
We are looking forward to the next year! “

David Jelínek, family company JELÍNEK - furniture and mattresses

“We want to support Vam for the opportunity to organize your conference. For many years I went to conferences and meetings about family companies, but the organizational quality of your services was far superior. Klobuk below. “

Ladislav Ambrovics, COO, MINIT Slovakia

“Events like this are extremely important, and I really liked the Summit. He was dynamic, really well laid out and every generation and everyone who came in certainly found something for themselves to think about. “

Erika Matwij, founder of IRB SK

“I think it was a successful event and I'm glad we were able to participate for Renocar. “

Peter Bittó, CEO, Renocar

“It was an interesting and beneficial conference for family businesses, from which we take a lot of informative information and interesting conversations with other participants. I would like to thank you for the invitation to the event, but also especially for the initiative and the overall organization of Family Business Week. “

Vojtěch Hrdlička, family company HRDLIČKA

“From my point of view, this event was very beneficial and inspired me with many new insights and ideas.
Your conference not only offered a great opportunity for the exchange of expert information, but also created a space for informal meetings. “

Vladislav Polasek, CEO, KANAK GROUP


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